Weight Loss Advice for Teenage Fitness
What is the best training for me to do if I want to lose weight?
You will burn a lot more calories working for a shorter time at a high intensity than for a longer time at a low intensity
Males- As a teenager losing weight takes a lot of will power and determination. To do this you will need to train effectively. Do not spend hours on a treadmill running at a slow pace, instead do sprint training or interval training- this means spend a minute jogging at a comfortable pace then 30-60 seconds at a high intensity. You will burn a lot more calories working for a shorter time at a high intensity than for a longer time at a low intensity. You will also wanting to be doing a couple of weight sessions a week to help you build muscle which will speed up the process of losing those pounds.
Females- I have heard so many females say why would I do weights when Im a girl, i want to lose weight not gain muscle. This is very understandable but endless running is not the answer to burning fat quickly. If you gain muscle in your body then your body will become extremely efficient at being able to burn fat. Most of your female idols who are singing or acting and are in good shape will be because they have spent a lot of time in the weights room doing squats and lunges.
What should I eat if i want to lose weight?
- Do not look for short term diets, try and change your life style.
- Cut out all simple (sugar) carbohydrates. (cakes, sweets, biscuits).
- Eat a low carb diet but do not cut out carbs completely*
- Try and cut-out processed products wherever possible- (fizzy drinks and heavily processed foods)
- Include meat as part of your lifestyle, if you eat fat then your body will burn fat.
Many teenagers go on all different diets in an attempt to try and loose weight. Most teens end up going on crash diets by cutting everything out and dramatically reducing their calorie intake. Although for some this has short term success in the vast majority of cases it ends in failure as the low calorie diet is not sustainable and ends up in the teen doing what we call yoyo dieting. This means that after the initial success weight is dramatically put back on and the person ends up heavier than when they first began the diet. The best way of losing weight is a lifestyle change and realising there is no short term success. The way to success in losing weight is by understanding food and approaching it differently. simple carbohydrates such as cakes, biscuits, sweets, chocolate should be dramatically cut down to a maximum of 1 sugary treat a day or none if it can easily be avoided. Although it is important to have a low carbohydrate lifestyle to help lose weight.
Carbohydrates should not be completely cut out. Carbs play a vital role in providing the body with energy and by depleting the body of any carbs the body will not have the energy to be able to do exercise and burn fat. One of the main problems with teenagers these days is the amount processed products consumed. Teens are constantly eating and drinking processed products such as pot noodles and coke. This has three main problems, firstly processed foods do not have the necessary nutrients that the body requires so this means the body becomes deprived of proper nutrients. This means the body is constantly hungry so the teenager will constantly feel the need to snack. Secondly processed foods are extremely high in sugar. This means the bodies sugar levels are constantly changing and the change in sugar levels can lead to the teen gaining weight.
Finally processed foods are filled with chemicals and additives to help the product enhance its flavour and stop it going off. These chemicals are known to be damaging to the body and have cancerous properties.
Will doing weights help me lose weight?
My advice for all teens who are aiming to lose weight is to do both weights and running to help lose the pounds. A body that has muscle, is a body that is efficient at losing weight quickly.
The short answer to this is yes. A lot of teens are very self conscious about their weight. This often means they feel the solution to losing weight is just running. This is not true, a body that has muscle, is a body that is efficient at losing weight quickly. This applies to both boys and girls. Girls often feel that weights are just for boys this is not true. Many teens think that celebrities get in such great shape simply by running but this is not true. Such celebs as Beyonce will spend a lot of time doing squats and other weight exercises to help gain muscle which in turn will help burn fat.
How often should you train to lose weight?
If your training to improve your stamina or to lose weight and you just want to do cardio work then I advise you go a maximum of five times a week. Its important to note that everybody's body is different and has a different response to exercise. Some people will wake up the next day after a running session with aches and pains in their body from lactic acid. If you feel like this then its important you listen to your body, rest and do some light stretching.
How long should I train to lose weight?
My advice is to keep cardiovascular activities to a maximum of 30 minutes unless your training for an endurance activity
http://www.teenfitnessadvice.com advises cardiovascular activities such as (running, cycling, rowing) are extremely useful to help weight loss. Although there is no harm in running for hours my advice is to keep cardiovascular activities to a maximum of 30 minutes unless your training for an endurance activity (marathon running) to stop them feeling like a boring chore. If your trying too loose weight then its most effective to keep the session quicker with a higher intensity by running fast for a short pace of time rather than slow for a longer duration of time. One way of doing this is interval training where you run at a very fast pace for a minute and then ease into a jog for 30 seconds to a minute.
You will burn a lot more calories working for a shorter time at a high intensity than for a longer time at a low intensity
Males- As a teenager losing weight takes a lot of will power and determination. To do this you will need to train effectively. Do not spend hours on a treadmill running at a slow pace, instead do sprint training or interval training- this means spend a minute jogging at a comfortable pace then 30-60 seconds at a high intensity. You will burn a lot more calories working for a shorter time at a high intensity than for a longer time at a low intensity. You will also wanting to be doing a couple of weight sessions a week to help you build muscle which will speed up the process of losing those pounds.
Females- I have heard so many females say why would I do weights when Im a girl, i want to lose weight not gain muscle. This is very understandable but endless running is not the answer to burning fat quickly. If you gain muscle in your body then your body will become extremely efficient at being able to burn fat. Most of your female idols who are singing or acting and are in good shape will be because they have spent a lot of time in the weights room doing squats and lunges.
What should I eat if i want to lose weight?
- Do not look for short term diets, try and change your life style.
- Cut out all simple (sugar) carbohydrates. (cakes, sweets, biscuits).
- Eat a low carb diet but do not cut out carbs completely*
- Try and cut-out processed products wherever possible- (fizzy drinks and heavily processed foods)
- Include meat as part of your lifestyle, if you eat fat then your body will burn fat.
Many teenagers go on all different diets in an attempt to try and loose weight. Most teens end up going on crash diets by cutting everything out and dramatically reducing their calorie intake. Although for some this has short term success in the vast majority of cases it ends in failure as the low calorie diet is not sustainable and ends up in the teen doing what we call yoyo dieting. This means that after the initial success weight is dramatically put back on and the person ends up heavier than when they first began the diet. The best way of losing weight is a lifestyle change and realising there is no short term success. The way to success in losing weight is by understanding food and approaching it differently. simple carbohydrates such as cakes, biscuits, sweets, chocolate should be dramatically cut down to a maximum of 1 sugary treat a day or none if it can easily be avoided. Although it is important to have a low carbohydrate lifestyle to help lose weight.
Carbohydrates should not be completely cut out. Carbs play a vital role in providing the body with energy and by depleting the body of any carbs the body will not have the energy to be able to do exercise and burn fat. One of the main problems with teenagers these days is the amount processed products consumed. Teens are constantly eating and drinking processed products such as pot noodles and coke. This has three main problems, firstly processed foods do not have the necessary nutrients that the body requires so this means the body becomes deprived of proper nutrients. This means the body is constantly hungry so the teenager will constantly feel the need to snack. Secondly processed foods are extremely high in sugar. This means the bodies sugar levels are constantly changing and the change in sugar levels can lead to the teen gaining weight.
Finally processed foods are filled with chemicals and additives to help the product enhance its flavour and stop it going off. These chemicals are known to be damaging to the body and have cancerous properties.
Will doing weights help me lose weight?
My advice for all teens who are aiming to lose weight is to do both weights and running to help lose the pounds. A body that has muscle, is a body that is efficient at losing weight quickly.
The short answer to this is yes. A lot of teens are very self conscious about their weight. This often means they feel the solution to losing weight is just running. This is not true, a body that has muscle, is a body that is efficient at losing weight quickly. This applies to both boys and girls. Girls often feel that weights are just for boys this is not true. Many teens think that celebrities get in such great shape simply by running but this is not true. Such celebs as Beyonce will spend a lot of time doing squats and other weight exercises to help gain muscle which in turn will help burn fat.
How often should you train to lose weight?
If your training to improve your stamina or to lose weight and you just want to do cardio work then I advise you go a maximum of five times a week. Its important to note that everybody's body is different and has a different response to exercise. Some people will wake up the next day after a running session with aches and pains in their body from lactic acid. If you feel like this then its important you listen to your body, rest and do some light stretching.
How long should I train to lose weight?
My advice is to keep cardiovascular activities to a maximum of 30 minutes unless your training for an endurance activity
http://www.teenfitnessadvice.com advises cardiovascular activities such as (running, cycling, rowing) are extremely useful to help weight loss. Although there is no harm in running for hours my advice is to keep cardiovascular activities to a maximum of 30 minutes unless your training for an endurance activity (marathon running) to stop them feeling like a boring chore. If your trying too loose weight then its most effective to keep the session quicker with a higher intensity by running fast for a short pace of time rather than slow for a longer duration of time. One way of doing this is interval training where you run at a very fast pace for a minute and then ease into a jog for 30 seconds to a minute.
Weight Loss Advice for Teenage Fitness
Reviewed by Mehdi Khallil
10:11 PM

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