Quick Weight Loss Advice: 5 Easy Steps to the Best Diet For Weight Loss 5 Easy Steps to the Best Diet For Weight Loss | Quick Weight Loss Advice 5 Easy Steps to the Best Diet For Weight Loss ~ Quick Weight Loss Advice


5 Easy Steps to the Best Diet For Weight Loss

A balanced healthy diet just like grandma made for you is best. Our grandmothers did not have the choices at the supermarket that we have now and it all to simple to just grab a pre-packaged meal of the shelves. These types of meals are all processed food and are either too fatty, too much sugar, or too much salt.

Step 1: 
Breakfast. 7.30am- 8.00am(Example of times for each meal.)
Breakfast is the most important meal as you need to break the fast after a good nights sleep. It does not matter what time you have your first meal. If you are working night shift for example your first meal may be in the afternoon. Breakfast is important as you need fuel to start your body working. Skipping breakfast will only make you slower to get going and does nothing to help your metabolism. By not eating breakfast your body will start using muscle tissue for energy rather than stored fat. If you are not eating for long periods more fat is being stored and you will not be able to reduce your weight. Breakfast could be anything like eggs, yogurt, fresh fruit, oatmeal or a smoothie.

Snack. 10.00am - 10.30 am
After a good breakfast you may not be hungry but for the best diet you must keep adding more fuel so your body will use up stores of fat and not muscle. Maybe a handful of almonds, fruit and yogurt, apples and cheese.

Lunch. 1.00pm - 1.30pm
No hamburgers or fries from the fast food shop.Most people eat up to 9 times the amount of salt recommended. Salt retains water in your body so if you limit your salt intake and drink at least 8 glasses per day, this will help to reduce weight.Cold water is said to be better than room temperature if you are trying to lose weight as you burn more calories regulating your body temperature. If you work you need to be organised and take lunch with you to avoid temptations. Easy to prepare a sandwich or salad the night before to take with you. Having some protein will keep away the hunger pangs and help with muscle growth. To reduce weight use lean steak, chicken or fish that has been grilled with maybe some chillies or spices for extra flavour.

Pre Dinner. 4.00pm - 4.30pm
A small meal at this time means that you will not have that extra serving at dinner and take away all the good work you have done during the day towards your goal for weight loss. You could have a piece of fruit as it takes longer to eat a piece of fruit than to drink a fruit juice and you get more fibre out of whole fruit. You could have avocado,cucumber, tomato or a Greek salad.

Dinner. 6.30pm -7.00pm
Lean chicken, steak or fish and vegetables. Eat only as much as you need to be satisfied not stuffed. Day one finished. Repeat the 5 easy steps for your weight loss to continue. Make sure you also cut out biscuits, cakes, white bread. Use wholemeal breads and tortillas for sandwiches and spread them with salsa instead of margarine.

You need to find out the right foods to eat at the right time of day to gain more success from this plan. The solution to your weight problems may be only a click away. To find out more about the Strip That Fat program that has helped solve my body fat issues with a loss of 10 pounds in 10 days, you can access it here along with my first 14 days on this plan.

My name is Glenore McNeil.
If you are serious about losing weight check out my loss to date of 40 pounds at [httsp://www.fatlossstation.com]
Make today your 1st Day, don't wait until Monday.
5 Easy Steps to the Best Diet For Weight Loss 5 Easy Steps to the Best Diet For Weight Loss Reviewed by Mehdi Khallil on 6:58 PM Rating: 5
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