Quick Weight Loss Advice: Diet Water .. Lost 5 KG In A Week Diet Water .. Lost 5 KG In A Week | Quick Weight Loss Advice Diet Water .. Lost 5 KG In A Week ~ Quick Weight Loss Advice


Diet Water .. Lost 5 KG In A Week

We often hear about "water diet" we do not know what exactly is meant by it!, It is a diet depends on the system clean the body by drinking cups of water for five days a week, next to the main meals during the day.


Here's a water diet program is as follows:

- The first day: Drink 8 glasses of cold water mixed with Cubes the snow throughout the day.

As for Home eats meals fresh apple or juice made at home without any additions

- Second day: Drink an additional two cups of water, ie 10, but the food you should eat carrots to reduce the feeling of hunger.

- Day Three: You can drink 8 to 10 glasses of water, and allows you to eat as much as you like of fruits and vegetables, whether boiled or steamed cooked without salt.

- Fourth day: In addition to 8 cups of water, you can drink milk and eat bananas. No other fruits or vegetables are allowed on this day.

- The fifth day: On the fifth day, supposed to be a lost about 3 kilograms of weight if you follow the diet strictly, but this should drink 10 cups of water, with the intake of tomato fruits between 6 to 10 medium-sized beads.

On the sixth day is supposed to be a has lost about 5 kilos, at that point you can eat normally, but careful that Tptaadi for the fatty food and multiply, fresh vegetables and fruits..
Diet Water .. Lost 5 KG In A Week Diet Water .. Lost 5 KG In A Week Reviewed by Mehdi Khallil on 8:16 PM Rating: 5


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